Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena


The Kolleg regularly publishes calls, inviting scholars to apply for fellowships, or to contribute to our publications and conferences. Fellowship calls are usually published in June; other calls appear whenever relevant. 

All candidates interested in applying for a visiting fellowship are advised to consult Notes for Applicants.

→ Current Calls

12. February 2024

Call for Applications: Fellowships 2024/2025

The Imre Kertész Kolleg invites applications for fellowships for the academic year 2024/2025 (autumn 2024 - spring 2025) for periods of residence from six to ten months.

The Kolleg awards fellowships to scholars in the modern and contemporary European history or neighbouring disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, political sciences, philosophy, literary studies or linguistics and eager to discuss their research in the broader framework of the Kolleg’s research focus.

Applications are invited from the following fields:

  • the history of democratic transformations in Europe since the 1970s
  • the history of the Holocaust and its aftermath
  • modern and…

03. August 2023

CfA: Fall Semester of the Invisible University for Ukraine

Launched in Spring 2022, Invisible University for Ukraine (IUFU) is a certificate program (offering ECTS credits) initiated by Central European University for junior and senior undergraduate (BA) and graduate (MA and PhD) students from Ukraine, whether residing in Ukraine or in refuge, whose studies have been affected by the war.

Application deadline: 08 September 2023 midnight, 12 pm (CET)
Admitted participants will be notified by 18 September the latest.


The program offers an intensive learning experience on the role of Ukraine in changing European and global contexts, placing questions relevant for Ukrainian students into a transnational comparative perspective. Our goal is to prepare students for deeper integration into international academia. The program is not…

05. April 2023

Call for Applications: Fellowships 2023/24

We invite applications for Fellowships for the academic year 2023/24 (autumn 2023 - spring 2024) for periods of residence from three to twelve months.

The Imre Kertész Kolleg invites applications for fellowships for the academic year 2023/2024 (autumn 2023 - spring 2024) for periods of residence from three to twelve months. The Kolleg awards fellowships to scholars in the history of Central and Eastern Europe or neighbouring disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, political sciences, philosophy, literary studies or linguistics relevant to the region.
Applications are invited from the following fields:

  • the history of the long…

25. November 2022

Call for Applications: Fellowships 2023 & 2023/24

We invite applications for Fellowships for 2023 & 2023/24 for periods of residence from three to twelve months.

The Imre Kertész Kolleg invites applications for fellowships for the year 2023 & 2023/2024 for periods of residence from three to twelve months. The Kolleg awards fellowships to scholars in the history of Central and Eastern Europe or neighbouring disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, political sciences, philosophy, literary studies or linguistics relevant to the region.

In 2023, applications are invited from:

  • early career scholars, researching the topic of the long transformation in…

27. September 2021


Workshop at the Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena, 27 & 28 January 2022

submission deadline 15 October 2021


Public history relies essentially on the public – the viewers, spectators, the audience and their presence in designated premises, on guided tours, or open-air tribunes. For the past 16 months the public’s access to museums, exhibitions, commemorative events and other historical representations or performances was limited due to the Covid-19 restrictions, and in some cases, it still is. The…

01. October 2020


We invite applications for Fellowships for the academic year 2021-2022 (1 September 2021 – 31 July 2022) for periods of residence from three to eleven months.

Applications are invited from noted and established scholars in the history of Central and Eastern Europe or neighboring disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, political sciences, philosophy, literary studies or linguistics relevant to the region.

Fellows are expected to conduct a larger scholarly project corresponding to the research profile of the Kolleg. As the Fellowships are writing fellowships either for conceptualizing or finalizing work, fellows are expected to work at the Imre…

Reconfiguring History beyond Disciplinarity: Emerging Interdisciplinary Research Fields and Their Approaches Towards History

07. November 2019 - 15:47

Workshop: September 18th –19th 2020

Call for Papers

Juliane Tomann (Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena), Joanna Wawrzyniak (University of Warsaw) and Stéphane Van Damme (European University Institute, Florence)

In recent years, various cross-disciplinary research fields have been flourishing in the humanities, transgressing disciplinary boundaries in their scholarly interests and practice. This development, to a large extent, has impacted the scope of interdisciplinarity, transforming it from a rather…

16. July 2019

Call for Applications: Student Assistants

We are looking for an addition to our team of student assistants, applications can be send until 19 July, 2019.

Registration Number: 208/2019

Das Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena ist ein vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung im Rahmen der Initiative Freiraum für die Geisteswissenschaften eingerichtetes Käte Hamburger Kolleg. Das Kolleg erforscht die Geschichte des östlichen Europas im 20. Jahrhundert in vergleichender Perspektive und vergibt bis zu zehn Fellowships pro Jahr an Gastwissenschaftler aus dem In- und Ausland. Geleitet wird das Kolleg von Prof. Dr. Joachim von Puttkamer und Dr. Michal…

15. July 2019


The Imre Kertész Kolleg invites applications for Fellowships for the academic year 2020-2021 (1 October 2020 – 30 September 2021) for periods of residence from three to twelve months.

Applications are invited from noted and established scholars in the history of Central and Eastern Europe or neighboring disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, political sciences, philosophy, literary studies or linguistics relevant to the region.

Fellows are expected to conduct a larger scholarly project corresponding to the research profile of the Kolleg. As the Fellowships are writing fellowships either for conceptualizing or finalizing work, fellows are expected to work at the Imre…

15. July 2019

Call for Applications fulltime Post Doc researcher position

We are looking for an addition to our team, applications can be sent until 31 July 2019.

Registration Number: 209/2019

The Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (Germany) invites applications for a fulltime Post-Doc researcher position in the externally funded project Imre Kertész Kolleg beginning on 1 October 2019.


In addition to contributing to the general tasks at the Kolleg, you will develop and pursue your own research project. This project should belong to one of two thematic fields:
either “Holocaust Aftermath History” or “The Long Transformation of 1989”

17. January 2019

“Remembering 1989: Actors, Approaches and Audiences”

Call for Contributions to a Special Issue in the Open-Access Journal Cultures of History Forum

The Imre Kertesz Kolleg’s Cultures of History Forum aims to make use of the anniversary year of 2019 with its wave of renewed public engagement with 1989 to take stock of new developments in public discourse over the most recent past.

The years 2019 will see a plethora of public events across the former Eastern bloc countries that commemorate the end of communism and the establishment of open, democratic regimes. Once again, we will see an outpour of speeches and commemorative gestures by officials pointing to the achievements of the democratic revolutions – and we will see controversy and contestation over contrasting narratives and memories. While for many people ‘1989’ still represents a positive symbol of people’s…

12. October 2018

Transnational Dimensions of Dealing with the Past in ‘Third Wave’ Democracies

Southern Europe, Central Eastern Europe, and the Former Soviet Union in Global Perspective

 Call for papers for a workshop at the University of Bucharest on 01/02 April, 2019

submission deadline: 05 December 2018
Download of the complete CfP see below 'related files'

The conference is organized by the Faculty of Political Science - University of Bucharest, the Institut Universitaire de France, and the Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena.

The scholarship on reckoning with the past after the “third wave of democratisation” has generally provided analysis of national case studies or comparative…

Logo combination organizers workshop

15. June 2018

Call for Papers for the 2. Conference of the Jean Monnet Network “Applied European Contemporary History”

"The Public in Public and Applied History"

The deadline for submission is 15 September 2018.

Public history is often defined as history for the public, by the public, with the public, about the public or in the public sphere. Even though the public is an essential element of public and applied history, theoretical debates on how "the public" is conceptualized are scarce. Theoretical reflections within the field are mostly confined to analyses of how history is being presented in the public sphere or focus on the underlying historical narratives and the "products" generated by public…

07. February 2018

CALL FOR PAPERS Workshop: Rescue of Jews during the Holocaust in European Memory

Rescue of Jews during the Holocaust in European Memory CfP

Place: Berlin
Venue: Center for Historical Research Berlin of the Polish Academy of Science
Organizers: Dr. Zofia Wóycicka (Center for Historical Research Berlin of the Polish Academy of Science), Dr. Raphael Utz (Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena), German Resistance Memorial Center
Dates: June 27th-29th, 2018
Application deadline: March 18th, 2018

In the last decades, the Holocaust has become the center of attention within the European memory of World War II. At the core are the Jewish victims, the…