The Kolleg regularly organizes conferences and workshops. Our focal point of the year is the Annual Conference, usually held in Jena, which assembles a large group of international scholars. Smaller workshops and scholarly conferences organised jointly with partner institutions are held both in Jena and elsewhere. As a matter of course, the Kolleg and its community are present at international gatherings such as ASEEES conventions or the Deutsche Historikertag.
East Central Europe in Context
12. - 13. September 2024
Venue: CEU Vienna
Organizer: Illiberal Project, CEU Democracy Institute, CEU Vienna
The “Towards Illiberal Constitutionalism in East Central Europe: Historical Analysis in Comparative and Transnational Perspectives” research project studies the rise of authoritarian governments in East Central Europe and far right and populist movements across Europe that has sparked concern that the liberal democratic order established after 1989 is falling apart. We set out to explore these complex phenomena in their historic and transnational contexts from multiple disciplinary perspectives.…