Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena
cover picture Special Issue RECEO Vol. 51, 2-3, Sept. 2020

(c) Presses Universitaires de France, 2020

18. November 2020

Transnational activism and the globalization of anti-communism after 1989

Special Issue of the Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest Vol. 51, 2020, N° 2-3 edited by Raluca Grosescu, Laure Neumayer and Eva-Clarita Pettai

The collection investigates how after 1989 the criminalization of communist regimes has turned into a global discourse and practice. From different angles the articles explore how different memory entrepreneurs from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) mobilised transnationally and created strategic alliances in order to forge, legitimise and consolidate an international ethos that criminalised communism. The contributions focus on the circulation of ideas and the transnational cooperation between different world regions including CEE, Latin America, North America and Maghreb.

For a table of contents please visit the website of RECEO.